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Agar blog kita bisa muncul di search engine, apa lagi munculnya dihalaman depan dan bagian atas, merupakan keinginan hampir semua bloger. Namun tidaklah mudah untuk membuat blog kita nangkring di top rank result search engine. Ada beberapa tip / cara yang dilakukan supaya hal tersebut terwujud, mulai dari yang otak-atik script dan meta tag sampai membayar jasa SEO Service. Ok.... berikut ini mungkin dapat sedikit membantu hal-hal yang mempengaruhi kenapa blog kita bisa nangkring di urutan atas hasil pencarian search engine, atau setidaknya masuk dalam deretan hasil pencarian

Berikut ini tipsnya (untuk Google) :

1. Coba ketikkan alamat URL blog kamu di google search kemudian tekan Enter. Jika blogmu muncul berarti sudah ke indes di google tapi mungkin masih kalah bersaing dengan yang lain. Dan jika blogmu tidak muncul berarti belum keindex di google. Coba daftarkan blog km di Hasil tidak langsung jadi lho, jadi perlu waktu supaya blog kita terindex oleh google.

2. "Title Blog", jika membuat blog tentunya kita disuruh untuk membuat title blog. Title blog ini sangat penting dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil pencarian di search engine, jadi pintar-pintarlah untuk memilih title blog km. Buatlah title blog yang menggambarkan isi dari blog km. Jangan terlalu panjang dan jangan terlalu pendek.

3. "Title Postingan". Title postingan ini juga hampir sama pentingnya dengan title blog. Dalam membuat title postingan atau judul postingan hendaknya dipikirkan betul, bayangkan kira2 judul apa yang paling cocok untuk postinganmu. Juga bayangkan kira2 jika km mencari artikel tentang postingan mu tersebut, keyword apa yang akan km ketikkan di dalam search engine. Bayangkan seperti itu.

4. "Update Blog", sering-seringlah mengupdate blog km setidaknya dalam satu minggu itu sekali ato dua kali. Hal ini pernah aku rasakan efeknya di salah satu blogku. Blogku yang pada awalnya memiliki pengunjung dari search engine sekitar 30-40% tiba-tiba menurun drastis menjadi hanya sekitar 3%. Itu terjadi karena blog tersebut sudah lama tidak aku update, dan ketika aku update lagi, kemudian blogku kembali bisa memasuki jajaran top rank di search engine result.

5. "Promosikan blogmu", promosikan blogmu ke banyak web/blog, forum, situs2 promosi gratis, dll. Karena semakin banyak link blogmu tersebar maka akan semakin sering pula spider searh engine mengunjungi blogmu.

Ok temen-temen bisa mencobanya..........Bravo

Posted by bisnis Online Monday, May 31, 2010 1 comments

Menampilkan recent comments atau komentar terbaru fungsinya adalah supaya kita bisa dengan mudah mengetahui siapa yang baru saja memberikan komentar pada blog kita dan di postingan mana mereka berkomentar.

Sebelumnya sudah saya posting tentang menampilkan recent post klo yang belum baca silahkan baca dulu disini.

Recent Comments ini bisa kita pasang di halaman utama blog kita.

Beginilah cara membuat Recent Comments (Komentar Terbaru):

1. Login ke blogger lalu pilih menu "Layout"
2. Kemudian copy script berikut ini :

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script><script style="text/javascript">var a_rc=8;var m_rc=false;var n_rc=true;var o_rc=40;</script><script src=""> </script>

- Angka 8 merupakan jumlah komentar yang mau ditampilkan.
- Ganti dengan nama blogmu.

3. Untuk menampilkanya di sidebar maka pilih "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript" Lalu masukkan script diatas kedalam kotak yg disediakan.

Coba dilihat blogmu, langsung jadi deh. Oh ya recent comments ini bisa juga dipasang didalam "Tab View".

Posted by bisnis Online Friday, May 28, 2010 0 comments

Bagaimana jika postingan terbaru kamu bisa ditampilin di Sid bar blog kamu?(Recent Post)
Nah Kalo pingin, ada caranya disini: (perhatikan dengan baik)

1. Login to Blogger kemuduan pilih "Layout"
2. Klik pada "Page Element" trus pilih "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript" (Tempatnya terserah kamu).
3. Copy kode berikut ini dan taruh dalam kotak "content".

<script src=""></script>
<script>var numposts = 10; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 100; </script>
<script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp">

4. Ganti YOURBLOGNAME dengan nama blog kamu.
5. Angka "10" menunjukkan jumlah "Recent Post" yang ditampilkan, kamu bisa menggantinya
6. Terus Simpan.

Ok sekarang coba lihat blog kamu, apakah "Recent Post" kamu udah nongaol Good..good..good

Posted by bisnis Online 0 comments

Biasanya postingan terbaru akan ditampilkan dihalaman utama blog. Namun jika postingan kamu terlalu panjang maka hal tersebut akan membuat penuh halaman utama. Jika kamu ingin supaya postingan kamu yang ditampilkan dihalaman utama cuma abstraksinya saja kemudian ada sebuah link Read More / Baca Selengkapnya untuk melihat selengkapnya maka ikutilah langkah-langkah berikut :

Dalam trik kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang "Bagaimana Caranya Menampilkan Status Offline/Online Yahoo Messenger". Trus fungsinya apa nih? gini, kalo ada misalnya ada penandanya seperti itu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu akan bisa langsung berinteraksi langsung denganmu, nha kalo gitu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu jadi tambah sayang ma kamu :p
Ok Langsung aja, Contohnya akan seperti ini, jika status kamu offline maka gambarnya akan seperti ini :

 trus jika kamu online maka iconya akan berubah seperti ini :

Cara buatnya sangat gampang kamu tinggal copy script berikut ini trus kamu pasang di sidebar kamu, udah tahu kan cara pasanganya, itu lho seperti kalo km masang "page element", Masuk ke "Page Element" trus "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript".

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?parto"> <img src=";m=g&amp;t=2&amp;l=us"/>

Ganti text yang warna merah (parto) dengan id YM kamu.
perhatikan angka "2", itu bisa kamu ganti dengan angka yang lain dan hasilnya gambar yang ditampilkan akan berbeda-beda.

Ok silahkan mencobanya.

Posted by bisnis Online 0 comments

Biasanya postingan terbaru akan ditampilkan dihalaman utama blog. Namun jika postingan kamu terlalu panjang maka hal tersebut akan membuat penuh halaman utama. Jika kamu ingin supaya postingan kamu yang ditampilkan dihalaman utama cuma abstraksinya saja kemudian ada sebuah link Read More / Baca Selengkapnya untuk melihat selengkapnya maka ikutilah langkah-langkah berikut :

1. Buka menu Layout kemudian pilih Edit HTML.
2. Kasih tanda cek (centang) pada cekbox "expand widget template"
3. Cari kode berikut di Template blog kamu (tempatnya kira-kira pada 1/4 bagian bawah kode hmtl) :


4. Kalau sudah ketemu, Ganti kode kode tersebut sehingga menjadi seperti ini:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>


<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More......</a>

Tulisan "Read More....." itu bisa kamu rubah, misalnya jadi "Baca Selengkapnya".

5. Simpan hasil pengeditan.
6. Kemudian pilih menu Setting lalu pilih Formatting
7. Pada kotak Post Template isikan kode berikut:

<span class="fullpost">


8. Kemudian Simpan.
9. Ketika memposting, kan disana ada 2 tab pilihan tuh, yang "Compose" dan "Edit Html", Nha km pilih Yang "Edit HTML", Maka secara otomatis akan tampak kode seperti berikut :

<span class="fullpost">


10. Letakkan abstraksi posting atau artikel yang akan ditampilkan dihalama utama (sebelum tulisan "Redmore") diatas kode ini : <span class="fullpost"> sementara sisanya yaitu keseluruhan posting letakkan di antara kode <span class="fullpost"> dan </span>
11. Selesai..... Selamat Mencoba...

Posted by bisnis Online 1 comments

A blog is a helpful tool for writers to publish their works and be recognized. It is also a tool that is widely used by online businesses to promote their websites. For an online business, blogging is the process of creating web contents that acts as the tool to promote their products.

Blogging begins with a blog, it is a website bearing the name of your business and the product that you sell. The content of your blog may include write ups, reviews, photos, videos and among others that serves as the online advertisement of your product.

Blogging is used nowadays as a source of generating income. It is an effective way in making money since thousands and millions of visitors are surfing the Internet day in and day out. Thus, it is a good avenue for online businesses to flourish and eventually make money online. The main goal of blogging is for your website to have high ranks so that it will appear in the first page of search engines via search results.

For your blogging to be successful, you need to come up with contents that are highly substantial and creative. Most surfers get bored with a dull looking blog. This means that the appearance of your website matters too. You have to have a unique looking website that is pleasing to the eye as this will catch the attention of potential customers. Once they visit your blog, of course, they will expect good and interesting contents. So be sure that your blog is something noteworthy for your online business to be successful.

Posted by bisnis Online Wednesday, May 26, 2010 0 comments

Blogs have sprouted out from all corners of the world. Most of the time, blogs have been created just for self-expression, as a means to communicate new things to no one in particular, or simply to keep a more convenient (in any computer with internet connection) and environmentally-friendly (no paper needed) online diaries. Nowadays, especially with these hard times, business-minded bloggers have grabbed the opportunity to make money using their blogs.

If you are interested on how to use blogs as moneymakers, here are three approaches on how to do it:

1. Solicit donations.
An effective yet touchy method of how to use blogs as income generator is by asking for contributions. Counting on the kindness of your blog’s visitors may be a question of pride for some, yet blogs that have tried this approach swear by its effectiveness. Take up a cause for your blog and solicit support and donations. Collection buttons can be set up easily in collaboration with programs like PayPal.

2. Sell yourself in your blog.
Blogs have a capacity to generate new business by covertly advertising the blogger’s skills. Unconsciously, blogs, especially personal ones, inform the readers of what the blogger’s job is, or what additional skills he has. Promoting your skills in your blog can be an effective manner of how to use blogs as income generators. Soon enough, you might get e-mails of blog visitors who are interested in your public speaking skills or training background. Better yet, you may put in a paragraph on your blog’s sideline about how to contact you in case somebody is interested in your skill sets.

3. Sell products and ad space.
This may actually be currently the most common way on how to use blogs for income. Marketing products through advertising space are common. Of course, if you are interested, you might want to match your blog’s content with the ads that you show, as chances are, your blog “demographic” will be more interested in ads that are in sync with your blog content.

There are still many ways on how to use blogs to make money. With enough creativity and wit, blogs can actually be gold mines as well.

Posted by bisnis Online 0 comments

Ever since the World Wide Web proved to be a necessity for teens and adults alike, people have been up and about trying to transfer every aspect of our daily life on cyberspace. One’s personal life, interests and hobbies are no exception. This is when blogging comes into the picture. Anyone can create their own digital diary, photo album or music journal while sitting in front of the computer. Everyone sees blogging as a convenient alternative because it is free, it is easy to make, and it doesn’t require much of your time.

A productive pastime and a convenient way to spur your interests, blogging can pretty much be a source of income as well. Numerous manufacturers and advertising companies seek the aid of standard bloggers to promote some of their products and services. Blogging lovers are usually very talented writers and they can make their readers advocates to their testimonials. Also, some editorial companies hire bloggers to write articles for them regarding certain topics. If you wish to make money through your blog, make sure that you write very interesting articles or post very impressive photos. Having a nice welcoming blog layout also helps. Talk about original and contemporary topics and be true to everything you write down. Visit other blogs when you have time and share insightful comments about their entries. These are just few of the ways on how to revamp your blog to become a sure reader magnet.

Blogging is perfectly capable of enhancing you in every aspect and surprisingly, you can enjoy writing while earning money from it. If you know how to get visitors attached at the words you write on your blog, then you can surely get people to pay you to write for them.

Posted by bisnis Online Tuesday, May 25, 2010 0 comments

Blogging means creating blogs or web blogs that are online writing of articles, writings, photos, and web links that can be viewed by the public too. Often, blog entries in the internet are arranged in order such that the recent post is displayed first while the others follow. The people who write or make these blogs are called bloggers. They usually allow other people to comment on their blogs.

To understand better what is blogging all about, it is important to learn the tools used in making them. There are different types of tools that can be used or are being utilized by bloggers. These tools are blog design tools, blog subscriptions, blog plug-ins and add-ons, and blog analytic tools. For blog design, there are templates and headers that are designed particularly to augment the visual facade of the blog. There is also blogging software in the market that recommends themes for bloggers. Some blog subscriptions can be RSS which means Really Simple Syndication and feeds. Other plug-ins that is helpful is spam blockers and bookmarking. When it comes to analysis tools, these can be traffic statistics and revenue tracking.

Blogging is so popular nowadays. It has become a new kind of journalism such that every topic can be written by the blogger. Blogging is a portal for those writers who are not professional ones but want other people read their blogs. It usually provides a constant pathway for flow and exchange of information from one person to another or to a group of people. It has become so valuable that stories and views are expressed freely without being edited and proofread by grammar enthusiast.

Posted by bisnis Online 0 comments

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